How much is shipping?
Shipping is always free for orders above $50. We charge a Standard Shipping Fee of $5.95 for orders under $50.
Where are you located?
We are located internationally and have fulfillment centers in multiple countries.
How long does it take for an order to arrive?
This depends on the product ordered. Most items will arrive in about 2-4 weeks or 10-20 working days unless stated otherwise on the product page. On some occasions when products are in high demand, there will be delays due to the volume of orders. But rest assured that your order is on its way. If you're still not sure, just email us and we can offer you order-specific advice.
Please be advised that delivery times vary and are based on your geographical location and your proximity to the nearest sorting center in your locale. Rural addresses may run to the maximum delivery time expected. Because we ship internationally to almost every country in the world, factors such as delayed logistics and customs clearance may have an impact on delivery times, which is why it may sometimes take longer than the indicated time frame for your order to arrive.
As we are not the shipping provider, we cannot provide an exact delivery date once the item has been shipped. However, in the very rare occurrence that your order is lost in transit, please contact us and we will resend your order free of charge. An order is considered "lost" if it has not been delivered within 60 days after the order was marked as shipped.
If the item is in high demand, it can take us 10-20 days to restock the item before shipping it out on some occasions, but please be assured it is not uncommon for delays and you will still receive your order.
International orders may take over 4 weeks and up to 8 weeks on rare occasions due to the country you live in and customs clearance.
How can I cancel my order?
Once an order has been placed, your item will automatically be ordered and shipped as soon as possible. Therefore we are only able to cancel orders within 12 hours of your order being placed. Unfortunately, we are unable to cancel orders that are requested after this time period. If you would like your money refunded, you must send the product back to us once you receive it.
Can I have a tracking number?
Most of our products are delivered using a tracking code. Some smaller items are not available with delivery tracking. Regardless of whether a tracking code is available for your specific order, we do offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all orders. That means no risk. We have you completely covered.
I ordered 2+ items but only received one... where's my order?
When you order multiple items at a time, they may be shipped separately as to keep the total taxed value of the order low, thus avoiding any extra duty or sales taxes added by your local customs office. Different items may also be shipped from different locations depending on stock availability. You may receive one item before the next. So don't panic if you don't receive all of your items at once…they are on the way!
Why have I not received any order confirmation details?
Most times this is because our customers have accidentally entered their email in wrong. Throughout the process we send out multiple emails, including an order confirmation and a shipping notice.
If you believe you may have entered the wrong email address, please contact us and we will fix it for you.
What is your refund policy?
We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee - Which means we will refund your money if you are for any reason not satisfied with the quality of your product. We want to provide a risk-free shopping experience and trust our customers not to take advantage of us on this offer. Please note that sale items are non-refundable.
Why is my local post office charging me extra to receive my order?
We do our best to ensure that your order will not incur any additional taxes or customs charges in your country. However on some occasions, which is not uncommon, you may be required to pay an additional fee and it is your responsibility as the customer to pay for these charges. So please do your research before ordering to ensure that there are no surprise charges.
How do I contact you?
If you have any questions that are not on this FAQ page, reach out to us through the "Contact Us" tab on the store.